
31-Jan-2017  Call for Outline of Proposal for Program C (Super Short-Term Program) 2017

We are pleased to announce that we are now gathering program information for Program C (Super Short-Term Programs; SSTP). We’ve attached the program information form, “Outline of Proposal for Program C (Click to Download)” for you to fill out. Once you have filled it out, please send it back to us. The deadline for submitting program information is 31 March 2017.

The schedule for gathering and promoting those programs, with application deadlines, is also attached (Download Timeline for Program C).

Regarding UMAP SSTP Scholarships, we will provide them to a limited number of participants; however, the number of recipients per country/territory will be announced after the UMAP Board meeting scheduled for April/May. Please keep in mind that the Scholarship will be provided at the end of each program.