
Program A/B

Universidad de Monterrey

San Pedro Garza Garcia Mexico

Universidad de Monterrey has a unique model of liberal arts education. We are one of the best private universities in Mexico, and one of the seven  Latin American universities with regional accreditation in the United States. UDEM is accredited by SACS (Southern Association of Colleges and Schools – Comission of Colleges); this recognition is based on our high standards of academic excellence.

UDEM offers different majors and  master degrees within the following academic areas: Engineering and Technology; Art, Architecture, and Design; Business, Economics, and Accounting; Health Science; Law and Social Science; Education, Mass Media, and Humanities. All majors are open for international students. All departments offer courses in English, and students are welcome to register Spanish as a Foreign Language plus co-curricular courses as part of their course load. Internships for international students are also offered at UDEM, as well as many excellent service learning opportunities.


Av. Ignacio Morones Prieto 4500 pte. Col. Jesus M. Garza. 66238 San Pedro Garza Garcia, N.L. Mexico
(52) 81 8215 4191
(52) 81 8215 1447

◆UMAP Contact Person

Ms. Daniela Rodriguez
International Programs Office

◆Regular Academic Calendar

·First Semester
From: 6 August 2018
To: 5 December 2018
·Second Semester
From: 14 January 2019
To: 25 May 2019

◆Semester Load in Credits/Units

·Minimum 6
·Maximum 36

◆General Timetable and Requirements for Graduation

·Total Number of Credits Needed for Graduation


·Number of Years Typically Needed to Complete Undergraduate Program


◆List of Study Programs that are open for International Exchanges

All programs listed here:
Main language of instruction: Spanish with some courses taught in English.
Language proficiency: B2 English

◆Exchange- Related Information

·Exchange Duration
1 semester - 3 semesters
·Language Proficiency Requirements
English: B2
Spanish: B2 or English proficiency
·Instruction Facilities and Other Supports
Classrooms, auditoriums, lecture classrooms, video conference classroom, gym and athletic facilities, laboratories (TV production, Radio, engineering, design, art, photography, textile

Yes, double room grants a 30% discount ($2,350 USD approx per semester - discount included)

Home stay:


Off Campus Assistance:

No, but we provide a list of places nearby where students may choose to stay.

·Medical Insurance
Mandatory. Students may bring their own, provided it covers their stay in Mexico and repatriation. Students should be aware how it works, as most of the international insurances work on a reimbursment basis.
(UDEM offers a health insurance that students may acquire upon arrival. Cost is $205 USD approx per semester)
·Visa Process

Application Submission Deadline: 31 October 2018 (For spring semester)