
Program A/B

Instituto Tecnológico autónomo de México (ITAM)

Mexico City Mexico

ITAM´s undergraduate programs offer internationally rigorous research and academic standards which attract the most competitive students and professors in Mexico. With an average ratio of full-time faculty to student of 22-to-1, all ITAM undergraduate programs offer an intelectually challenging curriculum, insuring the international competitiveness of our graduates in their field of study.  At the same time, all programs share common core subjects which provide the interdisciplinary and humanistic foundation needed for success in the challenges awaiting future generations. ITAM offers undegraduate degrees in Accounting, Actuarial Sciences, Applied Mathematics, Business Administration, Computer Engineering, Economics, Financial Management, Industrial Engineering, International relations, Law, Mechatronics Engineering, Political Science and Telecommunications Engineering. ITAM is a private, non-profit institution with an average of 6,000 undergraduate students.
Rio Hondo No. 1
country code 52 55 56284000 x 1720

◆UMAP Contact Person

Ms. Adriana Trejo Veytia
International Office

◆Regular Academic Calendar

·First Semester
From: 13 August 2018
To: 21 December 2018
·Second Semester
From: 14 January 2019
To: 1 June 2019
·Third Semester
From: 12 August 2019
To: 21 December 2019
·Forth Semester
From: 13 January 2020
To: 30 May 2020

◆Semester Load in Credits/Units

·Minimum 4 courses
·Maximum 6 courses

◆General Timetable and Requirements for Graduation

·Total Number of Credits Needed for Graduation

average 325 credits

·Number of Years Typically Needed to Complete Undergraduate Program

4 years

◆List of Study Programs that are open for International Exchanges

Exchange students can join all pur undergraduate programs. Most courses taught in Spanish but an average of 30-40 courses every semester are taught in English
Spanish language instruction available.
Username: undergradstudent,
password: ITAM2017#

◆Exchange- Related Information

·Exchange Duration
1 semester
·Language Proficiency Requirements
Bi Spanish but recommended B2 . Fp English courses an equivalent 92 IBT TOEFL
·Instruction Facilities and Other Supports
Spanish instruction support available, Buddy Program

Not owned by ITAM but will provide options

Home stay:


Off Campus Assistance:


·Medical Insurance
All students are required to have international medical insurance. ITAM can provide for a cost
·Visa Process
Most countries dont require a visa if coming for less than a 180 days. Stduents should consult the Mexican embassy in their countries.

Application Submission Deadline: 15 October 2018 for semester 2