
Program A/B

Toyama University of International Studies (TUINS)

Toyama Japan

Established in 1995, TUINS is composed 2 faculties, the Faculty of Contemporay Society and the Faculty of Child Development & Education. Our mission is to cultivate a spirit of coexistence and symbiosis along with students’ intellect, with a sound mind in a sound body, and their personalities and potentials. In nurturing these facets of life, we aim to contribute to our local communities as well as the global society in the age of internationalization, digitalization of information, aging and falling birthrate, and the need for symbiosis with the natural environment. 
65-1, Higashikuromaki, Toyama, Japan

◆UMAP Contact Person

Mr. Kazuya Nishimura
International Center of TUINS

◆Regular Academic Calendar

·First Semester
From: 08 April 2019
To: 27 September 2019
·Second Semester
From: 01 October 2019
To: 26 February 2020

◆Semester Load in Credits/Units

·Minimum 22
·Maximum 22

◆General Timetable and Requirements for Graduation

·Total Number of Credits Needed for Graduation


·Number of Years Typically Needed to Complete Undergraduate Program


◆List of Study Programs that are open for International Exchanges

Exchange students are encouraged to take Japanese language courses, based on the results of the placement tests given to all the new international students at the beginning of each semester.

They can also take any other courses offered either in the framework of general education or major area studies (e.g., tourism, environmental designing, business administration & information science). For this purpose, the N2 proficiency level in Japanese is required as most regular courses are taught in Japanese.

In addition, a non-credit supplementary course for learning kanji is available to exchange students.


◆Exchange- Related Information

·Exchange Duration
Maximum 1 year
·Language Proficiency Requirements
JLPT N2 or its equivalent
·Instruction Facilities and Other Supports
Library, Training Room, Infirmary (Health Office), Cafeteria


Home stay:


Off Campus Assistance:


·Medical Insurance
Required to enroll in designated health, accident and personal liablity insurances including the Japanese National Health Insurance (JNHI).
·Visa Process
As soon as you receive the Certificate of Eligibility through TUINS, you should apply for student visa to the nearest embassy or consulate of Japan in your home country.

Application Submission Deadline: 31/August/2018