Sangmyung University
Seoul Republic of Korea
Location: Seoul, Korea Sangmyung University has 9,000 undergraduate and 1,500 graduate students enrolled on the Seoul campus and 8,700 undergraduates on the Cheonan campus. Programs of study include history, geography, family welfare, public administration, economics and finance, international trade and business, life science, exercise and health science, computer science, digital media, fine arts, and music. Numerous courses in English are offered every semester. There is also a free Korean language class (non-credit) for international students and regular Korean language and culture classes for credit. The semesters start on Sept. 1 and March 2, with the ending dates differing somewhat depending on the holidays. Typically, the semesters end around Dec. 21 and June 22. Application deadlines are May 31 for the fall semester and Nov. 30 for the spring semester. |

◆UMAP Contact Person
◆Regular Academic Calendar
◆Semester Load in Credits/Units
◆General Timetable and Requirements for Graduation
4 years
◆List of Study Programs that are open for International Exchanges
◆Exchange- Related Information
if applicants should not have the required level of Korean, we will take into consideration English and other language ability with relevant certification such as TOEFL, etc.
Application Submission Deadline: 23 November 2018